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Dec 2: Grandmother

Dec 2: Grandmother

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I am a proud Grandmother of five beautiful grandchildren from 14 to 2 years old.  I added this block to many of their quilts.  I hope that someday they will know the significance of why I placed this block in their quilts.  Each of my children have a Christmas quilt with this block to snuggle under to read their favorite Christmas Eve storybook.  

This block finishes at 6" or 12" square.

6" Block 12" Block
From white fabric, cut:
  • (4) 2 1/16”squares, cut in half diagonally to make eight (8) triangles
  • (4) 2 7/8” by 1 11/16” rectangles
From white fabric, cut:
  • (4) 3 1/4squares, cut in half diagonally to make (8) triangles
  • (4) 5 5/16” by 2 7/8” rectangles
From solid red fabric, cut (5) 1 11/16” squares From solid red fabric, cut (5) 2 7/8 squares
From red print, cut (2) 3 1/4squares, cut in half diagonally once to make 4 triangles
From red print, cut two (2) 5 5/8square, cut in half diagonally once to make (4) triangles


1 - Sew 1 red square to 1 background rectangle.  Press.

2 - Sew 1 background rectangle to 1 red triangle. Press.

3 - Join step 1 and step 2 units as shown. Repeat to make a total of two outer corner units.


1 - Sew two background triangles to each red square. Press. Make three of these units and set two aside for INNER CORNERS.

2 - Sew two background triangles to each side of the center red square. Press.


1 - Sew 1 red triangle to the extra unit set aside in CENTER UNIT step. Press. Repeat to make a total of two outer corner units.


NOTE: This block is joined with a partial seam. Read directions and go slowly if this is your first time working with a partial seam.

1 - Sew outer corner units to center unit. Remove the last 1/4” of stitches around the Red center square for ease of block assembly. Press seams toward the Red triangles.

2 - Begin sewing 1/4” from Red center square to end of unit. Repeat for other side. Sew all corner units.   Press seams.

This block finishes at 6" or 12" square.

Candee Ferris

{instagram: cifquilter}
